Lion King Kid's Wall

by Adenna Z.
(Sacramento, CA)

Hello Artists! Well I just enjoy painting for my kids and doing any kind of volunteer work for friends ,school functions etc. My child loves the Lion King, so I painted the scene from the movie where he says "Dad we'll always be friends right?, and we'll always be together right?" Dad is sometimes away with the military so it was nice to have something like that... I'm no professional, I don't even grid, just viewed on the movie and free handed something similar. It's not done but it's a start :)

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May 16, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Students should make an outline in their mind to deliver meaningful presentation. They should have avail cheap essay help online and sketched what they want to impart to the audience. They should have some specific goal which he wants to achieve after delivering presentation.

Jun 02, 2012
sweet wall NEW
by: Anonymous

We love the Lion King and I love how big you made these two almost lifelike,great job

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