A Room With A View

by Marie Grabo

I painted this mural for my daughter's room. I'm an interior decorator who's always busy doing my own house projects as well as my client's.

I was finally able to grant my daughter her wish for a really cool bedroom. She really wanted a hammock chair that would swing from the ceiling so I found one online and we incorporated it into a beach themed room.

I painted this mural to have the effect of lounging on the hammock and staring out the window with an ocean view. PS. I'm new to creative painting, never knew I had it in me, but I was inspired by a picture and just tried to copy it.

I figured it was only paint and if it came out horrible, I'd just paint over it, right?

So my advice to anyone is just try, you never know!

Check out my other house projects at www.interior-decorating-diva.com.

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Oct 17, 2015
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