Comments for
Ceiling Mural

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Jul 06, 2010
Celing mural on canvas
by: Anonymous

What a great idea! I may use that concept some time. Do you just use wallpaper glue/paste?
For that celing mural, I stood on a table. It worked well. My neck wasn't too stiff.
Thanks for the suggestions!

Jul 02, 2010
use primed canvas
by: Ei

Personally, I would try and talk them into letting you do the work on canvas. It does slightly raise the price of materials, but it is easier work, so it lowers the amount of time you will need to paint, there is no need to tie up a room in their house with your materials, and there is little potential damage since you will be primarily working in your studio.

Get a roll of primed canvas, paint the mural, add a few coats of polyurethane or other sealer when done, and then install it like wall paper.

May 02, 2010
by: Anonymous

sams club sells scaffolds...thats what i would use. lay on it and then paint.

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